Junior Assistant recruitment 2020 in Assam Police.
Sarkari Naukri 2020 in Assam police for Junior Assistant, Assam police invites application for the position of Junior Assistant in the Assam police, Candidate must have Completed graduation in any descipline.For more details like starting and last date of application, qualification and Age eligibility criteria, salary etc. check complete post below.
Name of Recruitment :- Junior Assistant rrecruitment in Assam police.
Name of Post :- Junior Assistant.
No. of Vacancies :- 12.
Type of Job :- Contractual.
Salary :- Rs 14000-60500 + G.P. 6200.
Qualificationn Eligibility Criteria :- Intrested candidate should have completed graduation in any discipline. The candidate must be a Graduate in any stream from a recognized College/ Institutions affiliated to a recognized University and must possess Computer Skills from a recognized Institute for handling data and text on computer.
Age Eligiblity Criteria :- Intrested candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years.
How to Apply :- The Candidates having the required essential qualification for the posts as mentioned above may apply for the posts by submitting their first preference, second
preference and third preference.